Dom Perignon-Photography Elizaveta Litovka
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Elizaveta Litovka on Dom Perignon: «the bottle of champagne was talking a lot»

«It erupted, bubbles flew in all directions and I managed to hear of celebration, of women, romance, flowers, dates, important events, travel, of Russian weddings where champagne is traditionally drunk from the bride’s shoe» 

Elizaveta Litovka shooting for Lampoon Issue 24

It erupted, bubbles flew in all directions and I managed to hear of celebration, of women, romance, flowers, dates, important events, travel, of Russian weddings where champagne is traditionally drunk from the bride’s shoe, of chance, art and its different forms, of performance, sculpture, photography, painting, of bubbles, of moods, of fountains, of the impossible, of sex, of declarations of love that overcome distance, seas and indecision.It told me of the desire to immerse oneself in the bliss of cold water on a hot, sticky day. And, at some point, I began to think of home as a museum, where even a cat could create tragedy by breaking a heart or a bottle of someone’s favorite champagne. And of the sheets after a night of making love as an art object that breathes, wriggles, remembers – and bubbles.

Elizaveta Litovka

Best known for her photography, which often features individual portraits in cinematic settings, Elizaveta Litovka is a 30 year-old Ukrainian artist.

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