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Lampoon – Urban interactions by Alex Huanfa Cheng: we are not taking it over

The Chinese photographer overturn the relationship that vegetation have with urbanized environments in a paradoxical sequence of images

Alex Huanfa Cheng shooting for Lampoon Issue 24

Boulogne-Billancourt. A gradual take-over of the human, by wild shrub and moss. As the models are progressively covered in plants, this form of modern poetry is meant to reflect people’s interactions with nature within urban spaces by reversing the rules. As opposed to humans governing nature, here nature is entering human space and reclaiming territory: inside apartments, enveloping bodies; it forces the viewer and the participant to be confronted by its untamed and lush greenery. These images decentralize the human subject.

Alex Huanfa Cheng 

Alex Huanfa Cheng is a photographer based in Paris. Alex Huanfa Cheng was born in Hubei province in China, After 4 years of studies in engineering at the Communication University of China in Beijing, he decided to devote himself to his long-standing interest — photography. He came to France to study in 2012, and in 2013 he was admitted by ENSBA to study contemporary photography. After graduating in 2017, he stayed in Paris and work as a freelance photographer and artist. Alex Huanfa Cheng has always worked around his private life and his original culture.

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Cini Boeri, via Smareglia, Milan, Italy

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