Documenting, Ph Domino Leaha, Lampoon
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Lampoon / Transition – Domino Leaha documenting love

Outside looking in: sex and nudity, photographer Domino Leaha uses her camera to penetrate a couples intimacy

It was like a dream come true
coming from the same heritage, roots are strong here
it was love at first sight, the real thing
love means you are allowed to be yourself, allowed to feel comfortable you feel good in that love
for me, this was just like that
it was my dream to have kids when I was eighteen
sometimes, I have a hard time dividing reality from dreams
taking their pictures made me feel like we were living my dream
they lead an itinerant life, like my upbringing
I felt like I was part of their family

A couples intimacy through the lens

I love taking photos of people who make me feel comfortable, it’s like when you have a crush but in a different way, it’s hard to explain. I won’t take pictures of just anyone, it’s like falling in love with a vision that I have in mind and I want to recreate this scene. And I just do it.

Domino Leaha photographer

Italian photographer. She captures intimate moments with her subjects showcasing personal and raw images. Her use of light, color and shadow also adds layers to the images. 

Photographer: Domino Leaha

Talents Nardini family
Photo assistant Ermione Blue

Matteo Mammoli

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